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Our goal is for the children to become confident, fluent and agile mathematicians who can expertly explain their mathematical processes through careful reasoning. Maths is taught throughout the school on a daily basis with planning following the White Rose scheme.

The mastery approach to teaching and learning aims for pupils to develop deep understanding of maths and display an understanding of strategies that in time can be deployed automatically.

Teaching for Mastery is based on the expectation that all children can achieve highly in maths.

Achieving highly in maths requires that children:

  • Have a deep and flexible understanding of mathematical concepts;
  • Are fluent in number facts;
  • Develop fluency in calculation procedures.

The end goal and expectation is for all pupils to have acquired the fundamental facts and concepts of maths for their year or key stage. At this point they are ready to move confidently on to their next stage of maths.

This carefully planned and sequenced teaching structure is supplemented with regular maths fluency sessions. The school is part of the NCETM ‘Mastering Number’ project which has provided up to date training to all teachers and through carefully planned sessions is designed to strengthen the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts, among children in the first three years of school.

These short 20 minute sessions happen 4 times a week and focus on using manipulatives to explore an secure the quick number facts necessary to be successful in future maths. Over the year, children will use a range of materials and representations, including a small abacus-like piece of equipment called a rekenrek.